LENT 2021Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday: Evening Zoom Devotional with Pastor Johnny. Please see the latest newsletter for joining details. Good Friday: Check your household's bag, our newsletter, and Facebook page for devotional material useful in observing Good Friday. Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 AM: We are excited to offer an outdoor worship service on Easter Sunday. If you're able to join us at that time, please bring a lawn chair or blanket for seating on the lawn. Service guidelines remain the same as last fall: mandatory masks, social distancing, and use of hand sanitizer. It is imperative that you RSVP using this link so we can accommodate all who wish to gather. ![]() Lent is the 40 days not including Sundays leading up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday, the day after Shrove Tuesday (which is also Mardi Gras). As Christians we traditionally take these 40 days to reflect and practice disciplines to help us focus and deepen our faith. Oftentimes we decide to give up something we love like chocolate, coffee or social media in order to bring us closer to God. Some like to take on a spiritual discipline such as daily prayer time, or scripture reading or something more community based like recycling, collecting for a food pantry or participating in some sort of community action. Whatever way you choose to observe Lent, may it be a time of personal reflection, deepening faith and community outreach.
Not sure what to do? We’ve got you covered. As a church we will be reading through the Gospel of Mark together. We have put together a reading plan to help guide you, and a few reading tips to help you be successful. The gospel of Mark is the second of the four gospels found at the beginning of the New Testament and is the shortest gospel. Mark was written earlier than the other gospels and was actually used as a source as the other gospels were being written. Because of its early date and conciseness, Mark is oftentimes said to be the most historically accurate of the four gospels. Some tips for reading
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