Tuesday March 23, 2021
Mark 12:35-44
Sometimes our life is beautiful, the stars align and the children put themselves to bed, but sometimes it’s not. Sometimes the roomba spreads dog poop all over the house and getting out of bed feels like a success. Sometimes we are so worn down, so empty that the effort as a parent, as a spouse, as a friend, as a co-worker feels unworthy, less than. We pray that we can find the strength to be better. Our spirit feels poor and the only prayers we can muster are “Dear God”. No matter how small our efforts are, they are big, they are beautiful and they are enough to God. You are enough. Your effort is enough. Your prayers are enough.
Mark 12:35-44
Sometimes our life is beautiful, the stars align and the children put themselves to bed, but sometimes it’s not. Sometimes the roomba spreads dog poop all over the house and getting out of bed feels like a success. Sometimes we are so worn down, so empty that the effort as a parent, as a spouse, as a friend, as a co-worker feels unworthy, less than. We pray that we can find the strength to be better. Our spirit feels poor and the only prayers we can muster are “Dear God”. No matter how small our efforts are, they are big, they are beautiful and they are enough to God. You are enough. Your effort is enough. Your prayers are enough.
by Katie Lamoureux
Wednesday March 24, 2021 Mark 13:35-44 Most gracious heavenly Father, You have given us your words that are found in the Bible. Words to live by, words in which we may grow. Lord, help us to seek your guidance in all that we do. Help us to be aware of others needs so we can minister to those needs. Let us not forget our leaders, whether they be of our nation, city or our church. Let others see you, in us, as we go through our daily lives. Perhaps the store clerk, the waiter, the person who cuts us off in traffic need to see your love. Just a kind word or gesture. It was once said, ”People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Help us show the world how God’s love “feels”. Amen. by Donna Howell | Thursday March 25, 2021 Mark 13:20-37 It seems like every year, some preacher or “prophet” somewhere has “figured out” when the end of the world will be. They believe they’ve deciphered some code in the scriptures that has revealed to them the secret date of Jesus’ return. If they actually read their Bible, they’d remember Jesus’ words that “you do not know when that time will come.” The truth is, while we wait and hope for that glorious day, we have been given the great honor and responsibility of being the hands and feet of Christ in his stead. He has put his followers in charge, each with our own task. Let us not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good! Lord, thank you for choosing me to be your hands and feet in your world. Let me be good news to your world today. by Pastor Johnny |
Friday March 26, 2021 Mark 14:1-11 Lord, help me to put everything I have toward living a life like Christ. Even when I stumble and feel as though I have nothing to give, or am unworthy of grace and forgiveness, please give me focus and purpose. Help me remember that the offerings I give through my actions can impact others and further your kingdom regardless of how small they seem at the time. Thank you for your Son and how he prepared us to live a better life by sacrificing his own. Amen. by Cathy and Josh Hutchins | Saturday March 27, 2021 Mark 14:12-26 Dear Lord, Thank you for always being the guide we need and preparing the way for us. By putting our faith in you and following your Word you always lead us to where we need to be. Even when we betray you, your unconditional love is always there to lift us up again. Please help us to listen to your words and advice and follow your will. Please help us stay true to You and ourselves. Thank you for giving your Son to us and continuing to teach us to follow in His footsteps. Amen. by Erin Greenlee |